Where the Sugar Bugs live

There was a positive disruption of activity at Rugare Orphan Care yesterday when JW Oliver and our Pastoral Care Team visited the center. As it is a social norm in Zimbabwe that one does not visit a friend or relative empty handed, the visitors had 25 books to give to orphans at the center.

Support DDS purchased 25 copies of Carrie Wucinich’s book “Where the Sugar Bugs live” This is a book that will help children take better care of their teeth. The good news is that if you buy 25 copies of this book, 25 copies will also be donated to children’s cancer centers and hospitals. The 25 books purchased for Rugare orphan care will see Carrie donating 25 copies to other cancer centers for children.

The joy of the visit was getting to meet the children, hearing their stories and seeing the smiles on their faces. The visit was a clear gesture communicating to them that there is someone, thousands of miles away, who thinks about them and cares for them. We are looking forward to make an impact at the center through our 51% ministry portion.

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