Outsource your dental practice through the Great Resignation.

Outsource your dental practice through the Great Resignation.

We are way past the pandemic but its effects are still with us. One such effect has been termed the “Great Resignation” and it has greatly affected the labour market in 2022. Many people started actively looking for better employment opportunities with many preferring remote work to conventional employment

The dental industry has also been hard hit by this Great resignation. The shortages in staff have put tremendous pressure on office managers and dental businesses as a whole. In this article, we look at a solution that can help your dental business get back on track in no time.

Speaking of time, let us save you some.

Office managers are swamped! With hardly enough time to handle all tasks needed in a day, we do not think they will have the time to search for and find candidates. Outsourcing offers a solution to this.

When you outsource your recruitment you have a team of qualified recruiters do the background checks and training. This means you are presented with potential recruits that all meet your desired needs.

Outsource your way.

Outsourcing has evolved a lot through the years. You can now get services tailored made to your needs. If you need a team member that simply helps with verification, then that is what you will get and pay for.

In addition, you get the service you require for as long as you need it and not a moment longer. This gives you full control of the entire outsourcing process. You hire the team member of your choice to do the tasks you choose for as long. As you choose.

Save on costs

When you outsource, you are getting a much-needed addition to your team without the added expenses. Because your team member is on a virtual platform, you do not have to meet most costs that you get when hiring an in-house team member.

Outsourcing with SupportDDS, you get a dedicated team member who will be furnished with all the equipment they need to do your tasks well.  can save you up to 70% of the cost it would take to have an in-house team member. These are resources you can dedicate to the growth of your dental business.

Outsource in 5 simple steps

Getting a dedicated, trained, and experienced virtual team member has never been simpler.

  1. You submit a job description to your outsourcing company.
  2. They review all resumes/CVs & choose the top candidates.
  3. They set up video interviews.
  4. You select the best person for the job.
  5. The hiring process begins.

Survive the great resignation.

Surviving the great resignation takes innovative thinking and a little patience. With outsourcing, you get to leverage readily available virtual teams for the advantage of your dental business. Get ahead of the recruitment line by getting in touch with us today.

SupportDDS is a leading Texas-based in-sourcing company that provides virtual assistants and administrative support for dental practices. We provide short- and long-term virtual outsourcing services customized to suit your business process needs.

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