The importance of SEO in dental practice marketing.

What is Dental SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a marketing technique that aims to increase online traffic to your practice website. The more traffic your website gets the more aware patients are of the services you offer and the more business you get.

Dental practices and organizations are not spared from optimizing their websites so that they get more clients. SEO for dentists usually involves:

  • Relevant, keyword-rich content.
  • Tracking and getting ahead of listings.
  • Managing online reviews.
  • Optimizing website performance.

As a dentist, you might be wondering why SEO is important for you and your practice. After all, you have already had patients that know and come to you regularly. In this article we have come up with some of our top reasons why SEO is important for your dental practice:

Visibility and Branding

Dentistry is a business, and like any business, you are always on the lookout for new clients to grow. SEO allows your dental brand to be easily visible to potential patients. If your dental practice ranks higher in searches, then most people will notice you before they see your competition.

If SEO is properly employed your practice will rank high on searches due to relevant keywords. This will almost guarantee that patients will want to visit your practice as it will have relevant information and services that they will be looking for.

Build Trust and Credibility

One of the many elements of an optimized website is to have quality content that is relevant, honest and informative. Once your website shows that it has a lot of value addition to those online then you will rank higher on online searches.

Most important however is the fact that your dentistry would have proven to be a credible source of information that patients can trust.

Get ahead of your competition

With SEO you can make use of online tools to compare your efforts to those of the competition. With this, you can see if there is a need for you to better your efforts or simply create new marketing strategies to get ahead of the competition.

Higher ROI

SEO can increase your Return On Investments (ROI) like many other marketing efforts do. Through SEO you can market your service and insights to potential patients as they are looking for relevant products or services.

Through SEO your website and content are recommended and appear first when your patients are at their most attentive. This means they will be exposed to your material first before they tire of their online scrolling and searching.


SEO has proven to be a long-term cost-effective way of marketing. If properly implemented, a well-optimized website will rank high on google searches for months or years with minimum maintenance.

Since users will already be searching for what you offer you do not need to spend time trying to get potential patients to look at your marketing material. With SEO you save on time and resources as you will be present on platforms that your patients already frequent.


When done right, good SEO can improve the reach of your practice in ways few other marketing efforts can.  It can provide your practice with more visibility, credibility, traffic, better branding, a better reputation, and a higher ROI.

SupportDDS is a leading Texas-based in-sourcing company that provides virtual assistants and administrative support for dental practices. Moreover, we offer both short and long-term virtual outsourcing services customized to suit your business process needs.

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