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Changing the lives of our team members, while making a Global Impact


SupportDDS is working to improve the lives of our team members while making a Global Impact for ministries around the world!

We provide the following roles:

    • Dental Coordinator
    • Revenue Cycle Management
    • Director of First Impressions
    • Finance/Accounting
    • IT Help Desk
    • Executive Assistant


Create your solutions the way you want them


Your Perfect Team

We provide the team members. You train them your way


Train the Trainer

Your team trains our experts: Our experts train your team


Have Your Team Ready In No Time

We have your team ready to go for you to plug and our best practice knowledge and SOPs.

Sample of one of our
Standard Operating Procedures

EFT/ERA Payment Posting

  • Purpose: To describe the standard procedures for posting electronic payments (EFT/ERA payments).
  • Frequency: EFT payments are to be posted on the date the payment is deposited into the bank account. At the end of the business day, Team Leads will review Day Sheets to confirm that all payments have been posted and balance out with what was deposited in the bank.
  • Scope: Applies to all electronic payments from payers related to collectible services provided to the patient.
  • Responsibilities: Assigned SupportDDS team members are responsible for ensuring that all EFT payments are posted into the practice management system accurately and timely.
  • Procedure:
    1. Log into bank account (view-only or restricted access).
    2. Gather necessary documents (Electronic remittance advice (ERA), Patient ledger).
    3. Review ERA (check patient's name, date of service, procedure codes, amount of EFT payment, and applicable write-offs).
    4. Post EFT payment to patient ledger (enter amount of payment, allocate payment to correct procedure codes, categorize payment as "EFT Payment").
    5. Complete adjustment following Standardized Adjustment Codes cheat sheet if needed.
    6. Save ERA to Document Center in patient account.
    7. Reconcile EFT payments with patient ledgers.

Lockbox Payment Posting

  • Purpose: To describe the standard procedures for posting lockbox payments.
  • Scope: Applies to all lockbox payments related to collectible services provided to the patient.
  • Responsibilities: Assigned SupportDDS team members are responsible for ensuring that all lockbox payments are posted into the practice management system accurately and timely.
  • Frequency: Lockbox payments are to be posted on the date the payment is deposited into the bank account. At the end of the business day, Team Leads will review Day Sheets to confirm that all payments have been posted and balance out with what was deposited in the bank.
  • Procedure:
    1. Retrieve daily lockbox batch file.
    2. Gather necessary documents (Electronic EOBs, Patient ledger).
    3. Review EOB (check patient's name, date of service, procedure codes, amount of payment, and applicable write-offs).
    4. Post payment to patient ledger (enter amount of payment, allocate payment to correct procedure codes).
    5. Complete adjustment following Standardized Adjustment Codes Cheat Sheet if needed.
    6. Save EOB to Document Center in patient account.
    7. Reconcile payments with patient ledgers.