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We are excited to present an exclusive opportunity for Delivering Wow Platinum coaching clients!
  1. Full-Time Dedicated Team Members: Our virtual team members work exclusively for you, seamlessly integrating with your current team for as long as you need their support.
  2. No Long-Term Contract: We value flexibility, offering a 30-day end-of-terms policy after the initial onboarding period.
  3. Works in Your Time Zone: Aligning with your team's schedule ensures extended operational hours for your business, promoting efficiency.
  4. The Queen's English: There are no language barriers here; English is the official language of Zimbabwe, fostering clear communication with your team members and patients.
  5. Class-A Facility: Expect top-notch workstations in our class-A facility, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.
  6. HIPAA Certified: We prioritize compliance, adhering to HIPAA guidelines in all our services to keep your business secure.
  7. Flat Monthly Fee: SupportDDS offers a transparent and affordable flat fee—no surprises, no hidden costs.
  8. Dental Trained: All team members undergo comprehensive dental training, ensuring a solid understanding of dental software and office dynamics.

"How do I take the first step with SupportDDS to save time and revenue?"

It's simple—start by filling out the form below. A dedicated team member will reach out to you as soon as possible.